Our Build


Underfloor Insulation

We had the Mammoth Insulation guys on-site this week installing all of our underfloor insulation.

Given how well insulated the rest of the house is, we knew it would be irresponsible of us not to use the best possible products, so as not to comprise the thermal integrity of the house, as up to 14% of heat can be lost through your floors.

After some research and shopping around, we eventually settled on Mammoth Multi Underfloor. Before this construction adventure, we knew very little about insulation and thermal performance. But we’ve become pretty well versed in heat transfer and R-values, so it made sense to us that we use this unique, friction-fit system.

As opposed to other products where their insulating properties are compromised when they’re stretched as they get stapled or strapped in the floor cavity, Mammoth Multi Underfloor is a self-supporting form of polyester. You simply cut sections slightly larger than the joist space and squeeze them into position, friction holding them securely in place. This also compresses the fibres and maintains the insulating performance and corresponding R-value.

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 6

The insulation is slightly wider than the gaps in the floor joists, with friction all that holds them in place. Making for a super fast installation process and a thermally superior insulation solution.

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 5

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 4

They cut and rip easily to fit them in and around joists, bearers and in our case, waste water pipes.

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 3

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 2

Nice and tight for cosy toes all night!

Ben and Kylie Underfloor Mammoth Insulation 1r

4 Comment
  1. Hi Ben & Kylie

    Hope build is going well.
    Just wanted to get your comments on laminate flooring and how you have found it? We’re hoping to timber floors but they aren’t cheap!

    Bay & Deb

    • Hey Bay & Deb….thanks, we’re nearly there which is exciting! We love our laminate floor. In fact everyone thinks it’s timber because it looks and feels so natural. But it’s incredibly hard wearing so we have the best of both worlds. Check out the Quick Step range at Carpet Court, there’s a heap of options style wise and price point wise….sing out if you have any more questions. Will post some more photos soon of it installed. Been too busy in the house to get around to posting new stuff, as a lot has changed in the past few weeks!

      • Hi Ben,
        I’ve been inspired by your fabulous build and am embarking on my own build very shortly. I’ve contacted Nick Hubbard after seeing you use his SIPs…and we’re looking at how I can use them on my build.
        I’m with Qantas here in Wellington and have a day in Auckland on Saturday. I’d love to see your house…even if only from the outside…would it be possible to come visit?
        Many thanks,
        Graeme Nicholls

        • Thanks Graeme, that’s awesome to hear…Nick and the guys will treat you very well I’m sure. I’ll email you directly re visiting our house.

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